The Department of Psychology welcomes students with a range of interests. The Psychology concentration (Princeton's term for major), within the Division of Natural Sciences, provides foundational and advanced undergraduate courses on sensation, perception, movement, language, reasoning, decision making, and social interaction. Psychology majors have an opportunity to be involved in cutting-edge research for their independent work.
Students are required to complete three defined prerequisite courses to enter the Psychology concentration. All requests for an alternative set of prerequisites must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
The Psychology concentration requires graded completion (without PDF) of at least eight courses within the Department, in addition to the three prerequisite courses.
The Department of Psychology offers a range of courses, from a basic survey of psychology (PSY 101) to specialized subjects at the cutting edge of science, in 300- and 400-level courses.
The primary goal of independent work in the Department of Psychology is to make sure concentrators learn how to understand, conduct, and communicate empirical research.
Many Psychology majors choose to complement their studies with a minor or certificate in another department or program.
The University offers a range of undergraduate certificate programs available for Psychology concentrators. Please click here to learn more about these programs.