Adversity and close relationships through a sociocultural lens
Computational and neural basis of cognitive control
Cognitive and neural foundations of social learning and decision-making.
Computational, behavioral and neural approaches to learning and decision making.
Language acquisition and language processing
Computational models of cognition.
All aspects of Psychology and how they connect — including philosophical and scientific foundations
Behavioral and philosophical foundations of learning, reasoning, and decision-making.
Reinforcement learning and decision making, computational cognitive neuropsychiatry.
Cognitive neuroscience of learning and memory.
How children and adolescents think about themselves and the people around them.
Prejudice and conflict reduction using large-scale field experiments
Behavioral economics of scarcity.
Cognitive and social processes related to poverty, conflict, and crime
Social interactions, prejudice and intergroup interactions.
Interpersonal interactions, prejudice and stereotypes
Psychology of ordinary mental life; theoretical psychology; developmental psychology.
Decision making under risk, uncertainty, and time delay; role of memory, attention and emotion in preference construction; environmental decision making; neuroeconomics