Alex Todorov receives SESP Career Trajectory Award

Nov. 4, 2019

Psychology professor Alexander Todorov was awarded the 2019 Career Trajectory Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), an international scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of social psychological research. 

The Career Trajectory Award celebrates scientific contributions made in the early-to-mid stages of a research career. The award is intended to recognize uniquely creative and influential scholarly productivity at or near the peak of one's scientific career.  The award committee focused on identifying scholarly trajectories that displayed not just the continuation of outstanding scholarship, but outstanding scholarship that was becoming even more expansive, theoretically and methodologically creative, and influential within social psychology and across scientific disciplines.

Said Monica Biernat, SESP Executive Officer, and Committee Chair, “In selecting Alex, we were particularly impressed with his multi-method program of scholarship that spans social psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and computer science to identify the perceptual properties of faces and the implications of these properties for significant real-world evaluations and judgment. “

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