
By sharing information and splitting up tasks, bees can discover the best place to set up their nest, machines can reconstruct the structure of black holes, and scientific teams can make discoveries that no one individual could have made on their own. How do different sorts of minds—both natural and artificial—surmount individual limitations on their time and cognitive capacity by working together? To explore this question, we will host a two-day Many Minds Meeting. This event will bring together an international, multidisciplinary community of scholars whose work aligns with three key themes:
- Collective intelligence: How do groups band together to make decisions, sense the environment, and discover solutions to complex problems?
- Evolution: How have different animal species developed different solutions to communicate and divide cognitive labor?
- Development: How do our abilities to communicate with and learn from others arise over the course of human development?
Our goal is to create a space for multidisciplinary dialogue through a mix of talks in each of the above themes, as well as panel discussions that cut across themes.
Registration ends September 27! Visit or scan the QR code on the flyer to RSVP.